Discover the services offered at the center
Yes, the house massage earns its name from the fact that it was created by Martine Michellod, who has for over 20 years been teaching it to all the masseuses who have worked at the centre.
This real gem among the services on offer is particularly popular among our loyal and satisfied clientele. The house massage is defined by a rich palette of movements drawn on from various techniques such as Swedish massage, Hawaiian lomi lomi massage or high-precision medical massage. Its deep and restorative strokes help release hidden tensions, and its particular rhythm creates a soothing overall sense of relaxation.
This is a more therapeutic version of the home massage targeting the upper body, which is more prone to tension and stress. Therapeutic tools used such as deep tissue or trigger point removal make it an excellent restorative treatment.
This massage is what all pregnant women dream of. It is performed on a specific anatomical bed, allowing mums-to-be to lie on their belly, the ideal position for improved tension relief in the lumbar region.
Right up to the final month of her pregnancy, mum will be able to enjoy the wonderful experience of an abdominal massage (much to baby’s delight) by candlelight while listening to soft, relaxing music.
The drainage that Martine proposes comes from her American school and differs from other methods by a significant use of vegetable and essential oils, which considerably intensifies its draining and purifying action. The body is treated in its entirety and the continuity of rhythmic undulating movements is the gateway to the most suave of relaxations.
The healing benefits of essential oils are now recognized at their true value, and with us, these precious oils are an integral part of the philosophy of approaching healing. They will therefore be applied externally on the skin or internally according to the needs of each person.
NST allows the osteo-muscular realignment of the fascia and subtle energies of the human body. Without any contraindication, it is recommended at any age, from baby to grandpa. The treatment is carried out in sequences, in the form of precise movements on the muscles, tendons and ligaments, leaving a rest time allowing the body to assimilate the information received. Learn more.
Our massages last one hour or according to your wishes, do not hesitate to contact us to discuss it and make an appointment.
well-known and highly appreciated massage, the intensity of which you choose
a specific therapeutic treatment
DIAVEIN treatment for venous stimulation and massages with essential oils
powerful therapy that induces structural realignment, overall muscle relaxation and energy balancing
full of love in the comfortable hollow pillow - for any time of pregnancy
a real feminine delight
powerful detoxifier, 30 min session
HELIGHT light therapy
through the synergy of 4 therapies over 1 intensive week or more
Centre Massages & Thérapies
Immeuble Méridien - rue de la Poste 1
01936 Verbier
027 771 71 80
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